Dannyʹs Story
Vocabulary (make sure you know these words):
- a gypsy caravan [ˈdʒɪpsɪˈkærəvæn] - цыганский фургон, кибитка;
- a filling station - автозаправочная станция;
- to make both ends meet - сводить концы с концами;
- a diaper [ˈdaɪəpə] - пеленка, подгузник;
- a pram [præm] - коляска;
- a workshop [ˈwɜːkʃɒp] - мастерская;
- an engine [ˈɛndʒɪn] - двигатель;
- a stove [stəʊv] - печь, кухонная плита;
- stew [stjuː] - рагу;
- a plateful [ˈpleɪtfʊl] - полная тарелка;
- a tablecloth [ˈteɪblklɒθ] - скатерть;
- stern [stɜːn]- строгий, суровый;
- gloomy [ˈɡluːmɪ] - мрачный;
- many nights running - много ночей подряд.
Task 1. Listen to the text "Dannyʹs Story", and say what Danny thought of his father.
Task 2. Listen to the story again and say if the following sentences are 'True', 'False' or there is 'No information' in the text.
- Danny`s mother died when he was four years of age.
- There were two deep lakes near the caravan.
- Danny`s father was a ceerful man.
- Dannys father looked serious.
- Danny was very unhappy in his early years.
- Danny helped his father to build the workshop.
- The gepes caravan was about fifty years old.
- The caravan was made of stone.
- Danny`s father never smiled.
Task 3. Retell Danny's story to your friends who haven't heard it.