Laugh, Please
Vocabulary (make sure you know these words):
- to give a lecture - читать лекцию;
- an interpreter [ɪnˈtɜːprɪtə] - устный переводчик.
Task 1. Listen to the text "Laugh, Please", and say which of the two is right:
- The writer found giving lectures (more difficult/easier) than writing books.
- Last year he was invited to give a lecture to (Chinese/Japanese) students.
- Most of his listeners (could/couldn’t) understand spoken English.
- The writer spoke to the students through (an interpreter/ another lecturer).
- The writer told the listeners a (sad/amusing) story.
- The interpreter made his story very (long/short).
- The students (laughed/didn’t laugh) afterwards.
- The interpreter (told/didn’t tell) the writer’s story in Japanese.
Task 2. Listen to the text again and answer the questions:
- Why did the writer ask the interpreter to translate the lecture for him?
- Why was the writer surprised?
- Why did the students laugh?
Task 3. Tell the story to your friends who haven't heard it.