The Story Bag
Vocabulary (make sure you know these words):
- poisonous [ˈpɔɪznəs] - ядовитый;
- delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] - вкусный;
- a couple [ˈkʌpl] - пара (в т.ч. муж и жена);
- sword [sɔːd] - меч;
- spiteful [ˈspaɪtfʊl] - злой, злобный.
Task 1. Listen to the text "The Story Bag", and answer the questions:
- What did the boy like to do in his childhood?
- What did the devoted servant discover while listening to a strange murmuring sound coming from the bag?
- What did the voices from the story bag speak about?
- How did the servant save his master?
- What can happen to stories when they are put away?
Task 2. Listen to the story again and explain why:
- the voices from the story bag discussed the boy's behaviour;
- the old servant didn't stop the horse and didn't go tp pick red berries for the young man;
- the old servant took a sword and walked into the room in front of his master;
- stories should be shared.
Task 3. Tell the story to your friends who haven't heard it.