Учитель английского языка Павел Александрович Левченков

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Высшая лига образования САММИТ

The Story Bag

Vocabulary (make sure you know these words):

  • poisonous [ˈpɔɪznəs] - ядовитый;
  • delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] - вкусный;
  • a couple [ˈkʌpl] - пара (в т.ч. муж и жена);
  • sword [sɔːd] - меч;
  • spiteful [ˈspaɪtfʊl] - злой, злобный.

Task 1. Listen to the text "The Story Bag", and answer the questions:

  1. What did the boy like to do in his childhood?
  2. What did the devoted servant discover while listening to a strange murmuring sound coming from the bag?
  3. What did the voices from the story bag speak about?
  4. How did the servant save his master?
  5. What can happen to stories when they are put away?

Task 2. Listen to the story again and explain why:

  1. the voices from the story bag discussed the boy's behaviour;
  2. the old servant didn't stop the horse and didn't go tp pick red berries for the young man;
  3. the old servant took a sword and walked into the room in front of his master;
  4. stories should be shared.

Task 3. Tell the story to your friends who haven't heard it.


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