Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has Breakfast
Vocabulary (make sure you know these words):
- a patch [pætʃ] - небольшой участок земли;
- thistle [ˈθɪsl] - чертополох;
- anxiously [ˈæŋkləslɪ] - взволновано, тревожно;
- to mumble [ˈmʌmbl] - бормотать, бурчать;
- to murmur [ˈmɜːmə] - ;
- your friend appears to have bitten on a be - кажется, твоему другу в рот попала пчела и ужалила его;
- haycorns (искаженное acorns [ˈeɪkɔːnz]) - желуди.
Task 1. Listen to the text "Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has Breakfast", and say who gave Tigger a lot of wonderful thistles.
Task 2. Listen to the story again and explain why:
- Pooh began to apologize saying: “ Oh, Eeyore, I didn’t mean that I didn’t want to see you.”
- Eeyore kept the patch of thistles for his birthday.
- Eeyore Tigger looked anxiously at Pooh when he saw thistles.
- Tigger began running round in circles with his tongue hanging out.
- Eeyore said: “... we all have our little ways ,” when he asked Tigger to stop running about.
- Tigger rushed out of the house where Eeyore lived.
- Eeyore thought that Tigger had bitten on a bee.
- Pooh and Piglet didn’t speak on their way to Kanga.
Task 3. Tell the story of Tigger coming to Eeyore on the part of Pooh.