Why I like Winter
Vocabulary (make sure you know these words):
- More haste less speed - пословица: Тише едешь - дальше будешь (дословно: "Чем больше спешка, тем меньше скорость");
- to sledge[slɛdʒ] - кататься на санках;
- overcast[ˈəʊvəkɑːst] - затянутое облаками (небо);
- a furcoat [ˈfɜːkəʊt] - шуба;
- a furcap [ˈfɜːkæp] - меховая шапка;
- to make friends with - подружиться c.
Task 1. Listen to the text "Why I like Winter", and say why Andy likes winter.
Task 2. Listen to the story again and answer the questions:
- Where does Andy live?
- Where do Andy and his family like to spend their weekends in winter?
- What do they do there?
- What was the weather like in Moscow when Andy and his family visited it as tourists?
- What did they do in Moscow?
Task 3. Tell your friends about Andy and his favourite season.